How to Build a Mantel for an Electric Fireplace Insert

How to Build a Mantel for an Electric Fireplace Insert – Fireplace Crafter

Building a mantel for an electric fireplace insert can be a gratifying home improvement project. The electric fireplace wall insert is a fireless fireplace that you can build into any wall, surrounded by a mantel of your choice.

This type of gas fireplace offers the warmth and aesthetic of a traditional fireplace without needing wood, gas, or regular maintenance. Step-by-step guide on how to build a mantel for an electric fireplace insert

Getting Started: What You Need

Before constructing your faux fireplace mantel, you must gather your materials and tools. It’s important to ensure you have everything you need to streamline the process and avoid interruptions.


For this project, you will always need the following materials:

  • Wood: The amount will depend on the size of your mantel. Choose a type of wood that matches your home’s interior.
  • Electric fireplace inserts: Choose a size and style that fit your space and preferences.
  • Screws: To secure the mantel to the wall and assemble the frame,
  • Paint or stain: Choose a color that matches your home’s interior.


As for tools, you’ll need the following:

  • Tape measure: for taking accurate measurements.
  • Saw: for cutting the wood to the correct size.
  • Screwdriver or drill: for securing the screws
  • Sandpaper: for smoothing the wood before painting or staining.
  • Paintbrush: for applying the paint or stain.

You can build your mantel for your electric fireplace insert with these materials and tools.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Mantel

Building a mantel for your electric fireplace insert involves careful planning, precise measuring, and some craftsmanship. Following these step-by-step instructions, a detailed guide will walk you through the process.

Step by Step Guide to Building a Mantel

Measuring and Planning

The first step in building a mantel is to take measurements of the finished fireplace insert and the area where it will be installed.

  • Take measurements, which should include the following:
  • The width, height, and depth of the insert
  • The wall space around the insert
  • Plan out the design of your mantel:
  • You can choose traditional, modern, or anything in between.
  • Draw a rough sketch of the mantel, including the measurements.

Note that the mantel should be larger than the insert to effectively create a frame around it.

Cutting and Assembling the Mantel

Once you have your measurements and design, it’s time to cut the wood. Be sure to follow your measurements carefully to ensure a perfect fit. 

  • Obtain your measurements and design for the mantel.
  • Carefully cut the wood according to your measurements to ensure a perfect fit.
  • Sand down the cut pieces to smooth out any rough edges.
  • Begin the assembly process with the mantel frame surrounding the fireplace insert.
  • Construct the frame from a top piece, a bottom piece, and two side pieces.
  • Use screws to secure the frame pieces together, ensuring they form a perfect rectangle or square based on the shape of your fireplace insert.
  • After the frame, build the mantel shelf, which sits on top of the frame and protrudes outward.
  • To create a ledge, ensure the shelf is wider and longer than the frame.
  • Once the frame and shelf are assembled, add any desired decorative elements to the mantel, such as molding or trim.

Installing the Mantel

After you’ve built your own fireplace mantel, it’s time to install it.

  • Position the mantel frame around the fireplace insert, ensuring it’s centered and level.
  • Secure the mantel frame to the wall using screws.
  • Place the shelf on top of the frame.
  • Secure the shelf to the frame with screws.
  • Paint or stain the mantel to match your home’s interior.
  • Always allow the paint or stain to dry completely before turning on the fireplace insert.
  • Enjoy the cozy and inviting atmosphere created by your new electric fireplace, which adds warmth to your home and serves as a beautiful focal point in your room.

Factors to Consider When Building a Mantel for an Electric Fireplace Insert.

Discover the key factors to consider when building a mantel for an electric fireplace insert, including safety considerations, design and style choices, functionality options, installation and accessibility factors, and budget and cost considerations. Create a beautiful and functional mantel that complements your electric fireplace while ensuring safety and practicality.

Factors to Consider When Building a Mantel for an Electric Fireplace Insert

Safety Considerations

Adequate clearance: ensure proper clearance between the electric fireplace insert and the mantel to prevent overheating and fire hazards.

Heat-resistant materials: Choose fire-resistant materials for the mantel construction to avoid potential damage from heat generated by the electric fireplace.

Secure attachment: Ensure the mantel is securely attached to the wall to prevent any accidents or injuries.

Design and Style

Proportions and scale: Consider the electric fireplace insert’s size in relation to the mantel’s overall dimensions to create a balanced and visually appealing design.

Architectural style: Choose a mantel design that complements the room’s architectural style or the desired aesthetic theme.

Material selection: Select materials for the mantel that harmonize with the surrounding decor and create the desired visual impact.


Wiring and power source: Plan for adequate access to electrical outlets or consider concealing wiring within the mantel to ensure a clean and functional installation.

Storage and display options: incorporate shelves, cabinets, or niches into the mantel design to provide functional storage space or to showcase decorative items.

TV mounting options: If desired, consider integrating a TV mount into the mantel design to accommodate a television above the electric fireplace insert.

Installation and Accessibility

Ease of installation: Design the mantel to allow straightforward installation of the electric fireplace insert and ensure accessibility for maintenance or repairs.

Accessibility for controls: Ensure that the controls for the electric fireplace insert are easily accessible from a comfortable height and position.

Wall protection: Consider adding a heat-resistant backer or ensuring proper insulation to protect the wall behind the mantel from heat damage.

Budget and Cost

Material costs: Determine the cost of the materials required for the mantel’s construction, considering factors such as the type of wood, stone, or other materials chosen.

Customization expenses: If opting for a customized mantel design, consider additional costs associated with design consultations, labor, and craftsmanship.

Long-term maintenance: Take into account the maintenance requirements of the chosen materials and finishes, as this may impact the long-term cost of the mantel.

These factors should be considered when building a mantel for an electric fireplace insert to ensure safety, functionality, and an aesthetically pleasing design that complements the overall room decor.

Finishing Touches for Your Mantel

After your mantel’s basic construction and installation, it’s time to add the finishing touches. These steps will help enhance its appearance and integrate it seamlessly into your home decor.

Finishing Touches for Your Mantel

Painting and Finishing

The choice of finish for your mantel largely depends on the look you want to achieve and the existing color scheme of your room. You can choose to paint it in a color that matches or contrasts with your walls. 

Alternatively, if you want to maintain the natural look of the wood, you can opt for a clear varnish or a wood stain.

Prepare the flat surface of the mantel for finishing. If necessary, sand the surface to make it smooth and remove any imperfections. Then, wipe it down with a dry, damp cloth to remove any dust.

Apply the paint or stain with a paintbrush, covering all surfaces evenly. Let it dry according to your manufacturer’s instructions. You may need tens of coats to achieve the desired color and finish.

If you’re using paint, consider applying a primer first to help the paint adhere better or perfectly and give it a more vibrant color. Once the final coat is dry, you may also apply a sealant to protect the mantel from heat and ensure the finish lasts longer.

Decorating Your Mantel

Decorating your mantel adds a personal touch and can make it the room’s focal point. However, remember to keep the decor safe and suitable for a fireplace mantel, as it can get warm when the fireplace is in use.

Consider the scale when decorating. Larger items, like a big mirror or artwork, can serve as centerpieces. Balance it with smaller items on either side, like candles, picture frames, or vases.

Seasonal decor can also bring a fresh look to your mantel throughout the year. For instance, garlands and stockings for Christmas or decorative gourds during the fall

Lastly, play with different heights, sizes, and textures to create visual interest when arranging items.

By adding these finishing touches, you’ll ensure your new fireplace mantel looks polished and adds a warm, inviting touch to your home. With its beautiful mantel, your new electric fireplace will serve as a great heat source and enhance your room’s ambiance and aesthetic appeal.

Precautions When Building and Using Your Mantel 

Precautions When Building and Using Your Mantel

Safety is paramount when dealing with any home improvement project, and building and using a mantel for an electric fireplace insert is no exception.

While electric fireplaces do not produce real flames or smoke, they can still generate heat. Therefore, it’s essential to use heat-resistant materials when building your mantel. Also, ensure that there is sufficient clearance between the built-in electric fireplace or insert and the mantel to avoid any fire risks.

During the construction process, remember to follow safe practices. Use your tools correctly and wear protective gear, if necessary, like gloves or safety glasses. Feel free to hire a professional if you’re uncomfortable with any step.

Once your mantel is installed and the fireplace frame is in use, keep combustible items like books, paper, and fabric away from the fireplace. Also, never leave the electric fireplace on when you’re not in the room or while you’re sleeping.

Even though electric fireplaces have safety features in place, it’s always better to be cautious when dealing with any heating device. Regularly check your entire fireplace and its electrical connections to ensure everything functions properly.

Cleaning Tips

The electric fireplace insert usually requires minimal maintenance. However, it’s a good idea to dust it regularly to prevent buildup. Always make sure to turn off or unplug the fireplace before cleaning. You can use a soft cloth or brush to gently remove dust from the interior and exterior of the electric insert itself. Avoid using water or liquid cleaners, as they could damage the electrical components.

For the mantel, regular dusting is also recommended. If you have painted or stained the mantel, wipe it down with a dry, damp cloth to remove any dirt or smudges. You may need a touch-up to keep the mantel looking its best if you notice any scratches and chips in the paint or stain.

Maintaining your electric fireplace insert and mantel extends their lifespan and ensures they continue to serve as a cozy and beautiful centerpiece in your home. Remember, the key to longevity is regular care and prompt attention to any potential issues.


Building a mantel for your electric fireplace insert is a rewarding DIY project that brings an air of elegance and warmth to your living space. Following the guidelines we’ve outlined in this blog post, you can construct a mantel that provides a captivating centerpiece and harmonizes perfectly with your room’s aesthetics.

Remember, the beauty of this project lies in its customizability; you’re free to experiment with materials, sizes, designs, and finishes until you find your perfect fit.

Your new mantel will add charm, character, and a sense of homey comfort to your room, transforming your electric fireplace into a true focal point.

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